
Header image

iProDNA-CapsNet: Identifying Protein-DNA Binding Residues using Capsule Neural Networks

Protein Name


Threshold Used


User Defined Threshold
Predict results
Res # AA Prob. N/B Res # AA Prob. N/B Res # AA Prob. N/B
0 D 0.27572352 N 1 K 0.3003268 N 2 I 0.27485216 N
3 I 0.3014732 N 4 H 0.28063905 N 5 L 0.26883832 N
6 T 0.48139465 N 7 D 0.30383125 N 8 D 0.2598445 N
9 S 0.29947424 N 10 F 0.23404132 N 11 D 0.20192926 N
12 T 0.2637932 N 13 D 0.25827643 N 14 V 0.30689016 N
15 L 0.19668517 N 16 K 0.32319495 N 17 A 0.28709075 N
18 D 0.30876684 N 19 G 0.2535678 N 20 A 0.33576113 N
21 I 0.23629108 N 22 L 0.2983622 N 23 V 0.30333495 N
24 D 0.24820104 N 25 F 0.309246 N 26 W 0.5324354 B
27 A 0.4981951 N 28 E 0.526475 B 29 W 0.645393 B
30 C 0.61730504 B 31 G 0.5791905 B 32 P 0.5812784 B
33 C 0.58051896 B 34 K 0.67210567 B 35 M 0.44134122 N
36 I 0.2483857 N 37 A 0.41853902 N 38 P 0.31708124 N
39 I 0.29237098 N 40 L 0.19109993 N 41 D 0.30985 N
42 E 0.21646346 N 43 I 0.1773374 N 44 A 0.18852255 N
45 D 0.17063883 N 46 E 0.28028002 N 47 Y 0.1920807 N
48 Q 0.25015277 N 49 G 0.29415312 N 50 K 0.26106355 N
51 L 0.20059773 N 52 T 0.26909631 N 53 V 0.27580768 N
54 A 0.25567445 N 55 K 0.34163556 N 56 L 0.23820636 N
57 N 0.29901806 N 58 I 0.3720248 N 59 D 0.35371736 N
60 Q 0.42871842 N 61 N 0.51296663 B 62 P 0.44722778 N
63 G 0.25320327 N 64 T 0.18408604 N 65 A 0.25498432 N
66 P 0.25187767 N 67 K 0.2185904 N 68 Y 0.22449693 N
69 G 0.23190469 N 70 I 0.34772632 N 71 R 0.42788735 N
72 G 0.41894662 N 73 I 0.3218294 N 74 P 0.43719676 N
75 T 0.48048458 N 76 L 0.3330091 N 77 L 0.3465932 N
78 L 0.23786393 N 79 F 0.3772094 N 80 K 0.5268276 B
81 N 0.45064068 N 82 G 0.38067985 N 83 E 0.4196771 N
84 V 0.20814177 N 85 A 0.35998294 N 86 A 0.28485736 N
87 T 0.496711 N 88 K 0.4304997 N 89 V 0.53408206 B
90 G 0.5660018 B 91 A 0.48035723 N 92 L 0.6111318 B
93 S 0.53334576 B 94 K 0.42560655 N 95 G 0.31312433 N
96 Q 0.2906676 N 97 L 0.30382833 N 98 K 0.2986175 N
99 E 0.2649931 N 100 F 0.23304114 N 101 L 0.33604652 N
102 D 0.2945237 N 103 A 0.26815102 N 104 N 0.25314224 N
105 L 0.25033763 N
Results format

"Res #" means the position of the residue in the query protein.
"AA" means the amino acid type of the corresponding residue.
"Prob." means the probability of that the residue is predicted as DNA-binding class by TargetDNA.
"N/B" means the predicted state of the corresponding residue ("N" and "B" represent non-binding and DNA-binding, respectively).